February 11, 2010
The Basho Dev. Team has been very excited about working with the Ruby community for some time. The only problem was we were heads down on so many other projects that it was hard to make any progress. But, even with all that work on our plate, we were committed to showing some love to Rubyists and their frameworks.
Enter Sean Cribbs. As Sean details in his latest blog post, "You Got your Riak in my Ruby," Basho and the stellar team at Sonian made it possible for him to hack on Ripple, a one-of-a-kind client library and object mapper for Riak. The full feature set for Ripple can be found on Sean's blog, but highlights include a DataMapper-like API, an easy builder-style interface to Map/Reduce, and near-term integration with Rails 3.
And, in case you need any convincing that you should consider Riak as the primary datastore for your next Rails app, check out Sean's earlier post, "Why Riak should power your next Rails app."
So, if you've read enough and want to get your hands on Ripple, go check it out on GitHub.
If you don't have Riak downloaded and built yet, get on it.
Lastly, you are going to be seeing a lot more Riak in your Ruby. So stay tuned because we have some big plans.